Rebalanced Motion Ltd

JAW pain treatment in Brooks Alberta

TMJ relief treatment in Brooks Alberta

If you are experiencing jaw pain and want jaw pain treatment in Brooks, Alberta.  I am proud to have exceptional training in the area of jaw pain treatment relief. I have been offering treatment for jaw pain and have had wonderful relief for my clients.  

What is TMJ

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) connects the skull to your mandible (lower jaw bone where your bottom teeth are attached).  When this joint is out of place it may be attributed to many things such as :

  • Clicking or popping with opening and closing your mouth
  • pain in or around your jaw, or even into the face and head
  • tinnitus (ringing in the ear) or earaches
  • locking or limited movement in the jaw
  • clenching or grinding the teeth
  • constant or chronic sinus problems
  • a face that feels tired, full, or a dull ache
  • migraines

The treatment protocol will include an assessment, manual massage for the neck and face, and intraoral (gloved) work within the mouth to address the muscles and fascia that affect this joint and the surrounding area. 


Judy M. from Lethbridge, AB

         "I suffered from jaw pain for one year before finding Sherry.  I was constantly at my doctor's seeking help for the intense pain in my jaw, face, and down the side of my neck. The problem was starting to affect my vision on the side with the pain.  My doctor sent me to have x-rays and CT scans and both tests found nothing wrong with me and no explanation for why this pain was happening. My family and friends started to doubt my constant pain but nothing I took or did relieved it.  I went to the chiro, massage, and physio, and had no relief.   I just happened to go with my husband to his shockwave appointment with Sherry and started to ask her what she thought.  The first appointment lasted around 45 minutes and after the treatment, I went home with a headache (but I was used to them by now).  Two days later upon waking, I was amazed to be around 80% pain-free and my eye issue was gone.  I rebooked for two weeks later and have had three treatments since and no pain, it is all gone.  I will still go to the dentist to have an appliance made for nighttime use.  I was talking to my mom and sister and explained that this treatment had been my saving grace because I was about to lose my mind with the pain and the fact that there could be nothing done.  Thank you Sherry for my freedom back!